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October 7, 2011 Subject:
I think...
i think this is an excellent little bit of filmmaking.
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July 11, 2008 Subject:
Fun little tribute here, made with much love (and sadness!) though I doubt the TOTAL demise of home movie making (there ARE alternatives!) the super 8 will always be one of a kind.
What a creative tribute to a victim of technological progress! Most of my best amateur home movie filming was done with Kodachrome, including a 1956 trip tp Disneyland and a 1978 African safari to film wildlife in Kenya and Tanzania. Liz's imaginative film making and expert use of personally constructed props conveys a passion for a lost world and an emotional end of an era.
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October 3, 2007 Subject:
a moving tribute...
An apt tribute to a cultural icon that brought a small silver tear to my eye. Well done Liz!